朱莉娅不见了Giulias Verschwinden(2009)

又名:Julia's Disappearance

上映日期:2009-08-08(洛加诺电影节) / 2009-10-08(瑞士) / 2010-03-03(瑞士)片长:87分钟

主演:科琳娜·哈弗奇 布鲁诺·冈茨 施特凡·库尔特 

导演:Christoph Schaub / 编剧:马丁·苏特 Martin Suter





Plot Summary:A comedy about aging, youth and other eternal truths. Of all days, precisely on her fiftieth birthday, Julia has to experience that age makes you invisible. Frustrated, she goes shopping and makes an acquaintance, spontaneously deciding to spend the evening with this stranger, rather than with the guests of her own birthday party. They wait for her in a restaurant, all dressed up and groomed, lively debating the years that have passed. The truths and wisdom of Julia's closest friends on aging and growing old are drowned increasingly in sufficient quantities of alcohol. In the mean time, on her eightieth birthday, Leonie, sulking over the loss of youth, is rebelling against her daughter, the senior citizen's home, conventions, and old age in general - and joyfully sabotaging the party in her honor.
