

主演:江口拓也 伊藤加奈惠 福圆美里 生天目仁美 松嵜丽 金田朋子 北方奈月 矢作纱友里 小仓唯 能登麻美子 三森铃子 麦人 樱井孝宏 加藤英美里 梁田清之 

导演:熊泽祐嗣 / 岩崎太郎 / 津田义三 / 阿部雅司 / 上田繁 / 清水明 / 布施康之 / 久保山英一 / 


日期 资源名称
2019-08-10 [千夏字幕组&轻之国度字幕组][织田信奈的野望][简繁外挂字幕][01-12][BDrip]


Plot Summary:Suddenly finding himself in the Sengoku era, regular high school student Yoshiharu Sagara is about to be killed in the battlefield. He is saved by none other than the man who later becomes the respected Hideyoshi Toyotomi but at a cost to the latter's life. With history completely changed because of Yoshiharu's actions, he tries to make things right again. However, history takes a different course than the one he learned. Yoshiharu meets a brilliant but young girl named Nobuna Oda. Yoshiharu starts working under her command, who nicknames him Saru (monkey), to bring back history to its correct course and find his way back home to the present world.
相良良晴(江口拓也 配音)是一名平凡的高中生,某日,在一场意外之中,他竟然穿越回了群雄争霸的战国时代。在那里,相良良晴震惊的发现,在这里,那些史书中拼杀在前线的枭雄们,竟然都是可爱的女孩子!   本想效忠于织田家的木下藤吉郎(盐屋翼 配音)壮志未酬身先死,相良良晴则在误打误撞之中代替了他的位置来到了织田家。在这里,相良良晴结识了身为十六岁少女的织田信奈(伊藤加奈惠 配音),成为辅佐她的家臣。在共同经历了各种腥风血雨危难时刻后,相良良晴和织田信奈之间也产生了真挚的感情。无奈,相良良晴并不属于这个时代,他和织田信奈之间的感情会迎来完满的结局吗?
