闪亮的拓人STAR DRIVER 輝きのタクト(2010)

又名:银河美少年 / 驭星者 闪亮的塔科特 / Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto

主演:宫野真守 福山润 早见沙织 石田彰 三木真一郎 户松遥 日高里菜 广桥凉 小清水亚美 新名彩乃 千叶千惠巳 桑岛法子 坂本真绫 高木俊 杉山大 斋藤千和 竹达彩奈 赤羽根健治 飞田展男 浅沼晋太郎 东山奈央 牛田裕子 加藤英美里 入野自由 铃村健一 木村良平 梶裕贵 

导演:五十岚卓哉 / 浅井义之 / 京极尚彦 / 下司泰弘 / 岩崎太郎 / 成田岁法 / 佐藤育郎 / 松尾慎 / 渊上真 / 大西景介 / 夕澄庆英 / 清水久敏 / 高桥健司 / 编剧:榎户洋司 Yoji Enokido


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 银河美少年 闪亮的塔科特 STAR DRIVER(2010)[BDRIP][1920x1080][T
日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【720p高清中文字幕】驭星者 闪亮的塔科特迅雷下载.2010.8.79gb.torrent
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto



Plot Summary:On a cross-shaped island in the South, a mysterious and gigantic humanoid robot known as the "Cybuddy" is discovered sealed in the underground ruins for untold ages. A group known as the "Order of the Glittering Star Cross" attempts to remove the seal by abducting a girl named Wako Agemaki, who they dubbed the "shrine maiden" and is the key to activating the robot. A boy named Takuto Tsunashi arrives with his own Cybuddy named Tauburn to rescue Wako. Thus begins a struggle to unlock the secrets of the advanced technology and prevent disaster.
「STAR DRIVER 闪亮的塔科特」的一切开端是发生在南十字岛的地下,在某天晚上,一个被称为“サイバディ”的谜之人形像给“绮罗星十字团”一派解开了人形像的其中一个封印。为了能够完全解开封印,绮罗星十字团以关键的巫女,扬卷和子,为目标而展开行动。就在此时,另一架谜之“サイバディ”道伯恩突然出现了,而让他动起来的就是自称为“银河美少年”的高中生特纳西·塔克特这名少年...
