鱼类王国大探奇Incredible Fish(2016)

又名:Peces increíbles / Uskomattomat kalat



导演:Boris von Schoenebeck / 





Plot Summary:These Monster Fish break all convention. They're all fish, but they're not normal. These are the freaks of the world's oceans. Some, like the Monstermouth (Sarcastic Fringehead) are totally out of proportion. The biggest mouth in the Pacific Ocean. It's a crazy sight, an innocent looking fish unleashing this X-men like power as its whole head dislocates and its jaw pops forward in a purple wall. Anyone thinking of intruding on its territory thinks twice. Others like the Frog Fish have lost almost all their swimming skill. Shuffling across the sea bed like a formless blob of play-dough as it uses its pectoral fins to walk. The Wolf Eel has a crazy set of jaws and teeth, and must have the toughest face of all fish. It eats spiny sea urchins for breakfast - imagine biting down on a ball of needles every time you're hungry?
地球表面约有四分之三的面积被水覆盖。鱼类完美地适应了水中的特殊环境。本片将带领我们前往鱼类王国,开始一场探奇之旅,了解那些不可思议的鱼类,颠覆我们对鱼类的固有印象。这其中有会翩翩起舞的海马,有能够制造白沙的鹦嘴鱼,有长相奇特的狼鳗,有自带照明灯的灯眼鱼,有爱搭便车的䲟鱼,有速度极快的大西洋旗鱼,有能在陆地上呼吸的弹涂鱼,有善于用伪装来伏击猎物的躄鱼,有身体薄如刀片的条纹虾鱼,还有用嘴巴进行搏斗的勃氏新热鳚等等。在漫长的进化过程中,这些鱼类拥有了种种奇妙的能力。让我们即刻出发,前往鱼类王国一探究竟。   监制:Ashley Hoppin   制作:Earth Touch
