一吻痴情My Life with Caroline(1941)


主演:罗纳德·考尔曼 查尔斯·温宁格 安娜·李 雷金纳德·加德纳 吉尔伯特·罗兰 Katherine Leslie 

导演:刘易斯·迈尔斯通 / 编剧:Louis Verneuil





Plot Summary:Caroline Mason, on vacation with her father Mr. Bliss in Idaho, has fallen in love with gaucho Paco Del Valle, the two who plan to get married. The problem is is that she's already married, for five years, to New York publisher Anthony Mason, who couldn't go along on this trip since he had to work. Caroline admits that she loves Anthony, but she believes she is no longer in love with him. Conversely, Anthony still loves his wife and he believes she truly still is in love with him. This situation is somewhat déjà vu, as rather than follow the old adage "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", Caroline tends to forget easily those with who she has lost contact, including Anthony. This situation is reminiscent of one two years earlier when on vacation in Florida with her father, Caroline was ready to marry Paul Martindale. But Anthony, who had more than a sneaking suspicion of what Caroline was up to, decided to come to Florida to outmaneuver the game that Caroline and Paul had concocted ...
