摇篮变奏曲Maternal Instincts(1996)


主演:德尔塔·伯克 贝斯·布罗德里克 加温·桑福德 Sandra Nelson 吉莲·芭伯 

导演:乔治·考岑德 / 编剧:Kathy Kirtland Silverman/Lisa Friedman Bloch





Plot Summary:Dr Eva Warden (Beth Broderick) has a patient, Tracey, whose dying wish is to become a mother. Eva performs a surgery on Tracey, only to find out that she has cancer and to save her life she'll have to do a hysterectomy. When Tracey wakes up and realizes that her chance of becoming a mother is forever gone, she's utterly distraught, and although her husband suggests an adoption, it's not a possibility for Tracey. When her sorrows's over, anger get's the upper hand and Dr Warden unawarely becomes the target of Tracey's wrath. With Dr Warden in the danger zone, one more life is also automatically put in mortal danger...
