新成长的烦恼 第一季Lizzie McGuire(2001)

又名:平民天后 第一季 / What's Lizzie Thinking? season 1

主演:希拉里·达芙 拉蕾妮 亚当·兰伯格 

导演:斯蒂夫·德·贾纳特 / 编剧:Terri Minsky

新成长的烦恼 第一季:在线播放

新成长的烦恼 第一季:最新迅雷BT资源

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新成长的烦恼 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A completely normal 13-year old girl, living a completely normal life. She goes to a completely normal school, with students, and her best friends, Miranda and David Gorden "Gordo". They help her in situations where she is stuck and needs help and depends on them. Her home life is completely stereotypical, with a Nuclear Family that consists of her gnome-loving dad, Sam; level-headed mom, Jo, and bratty brother, Matt.
《新成长的烦恼》(又名《平民天后》)由美国迪士尼公司制作,是一部以青春期少年生活和学习为主题的电视剧。   该剧以少女Lizzie(希拉里·达芙 Hilary Duff 饰)和她的同学Miranda(拉蕾妮 Lalaine 饰)、Gordo(亚当·兰伯格 Adam Lamberg 饰)的校园经历为主线,以Lizzie的弟弟Matt和父母的故事为副线,用轻喜剧的方式生动、幽默地向观众展示了美国中学生的生活状况和情感历程。十几岁孩子的那些不安分的小动作、口中说的时髦语言、个性鲜明的行为举止,以及青少年朋友之间的小矛盾等,许许多多发生在女主角Lizzie身边的趣事和青春期少男少女特有的尴尬、痛苦与挫折,都成为本剧吸引青少年观众的收视法宝。
