
又名:The Silent Forest

上映日期:2020-10-15(中国台湾) / 2021-02-03(中国台湾网络) / 2020-06-25(台北电影节)片长:104分钟

主演:陈妍霏 刘子铨 刘冠廷 杨贵媚 太保 张本渝 陈雪甄 金玄彬 范睿修 王士豪 潘亲御 廖钧纬 郑维奕 汪建民 

导演:柯贞年 / 




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 无声.The.Silent.Forest.2020.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264
2021-05-19 无声 The.Silent.Forest.2020.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-CMC
2021-03-01 无声.The.Silent.Forest.2020.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264


Plot Summary:Hearing-impaired teenager Chang Cheng transfers to a school for children with special needs. However, the world of the hearing-impaired doesn't seem quiet at all. When Chang witnesses the "game" taking place in the last row on the school bus, his excitement about blending into a new environment immediately turns into fear. Seeing Bei Bei, the girl he has a crush on, getting hurt so badly, Xiao Guang, the ringleader, behaving like a king and other schoolmates acting innocent, Chang debates with himself on whether he should reveal the cruel truth about the game or whether he should join in. As the divide between the perpetrators and the victim begins to blur, confusion and anxiety grow among everyone in school.
失聪少年张诚准备转到启聪学校就读。聋人的世界,却不比听人的世界宁静。当他发现校车最后一排的「游戏」,融入新生活的欣喜之情,瞬间成为恐惧⋯⋯。眼见心仪的女孩贝贝在游戏中遍体鳞伤、学长小光气势狂妄不可质疑,一群同学们又天真无害,张诚忖度着是否该揭开游戏的残忍真相,或加入游戏的行列?当加害者与受害者的界线越趋模糊,盘根错节的苦痛、无可倾诉的怨怼,种种困惑与不安在无声的校园蔓延。   新锐导演柯贞年的首部长片大胆将真实事件搬上银幕,在直面残酷的同时,不失温柔的眼光。犀利刻画人物之间复杂与纠结的情感,呈现声嘶力竭却仍仿若无声的残忍。贝贝一句「他们只是在玩」轻描淡写,却惊悚、沉痛,更是真实无比的哀叹。
