突然有一天之第四层네번째 층 - 어느날 갑자기 두번째 이야기(2006)

又名:一天突然第二个故事之第四层 / Forbidden Floor - 4 Horror Tales


主演:金裕贞 金瑞亨 

导演:权昊英 / 编剧:权昊英 Ho-Young Kweon/李浩宰 Ho-jae Lee




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 突然有一天之第四层 Forbidden Floor - 4 Horror Tales(2006)[D
2019-07-01 突然有一天之第四层 Forbidden Floor - 4 Horror Tales(2006)[D


Plot Summary:Min-young, a divorced single mother moves onto the fifth floor of a new studio apartment with her six-year-old daughter, Joo-hee. She's concerned when her downstairs neighbor, HAN Chang-soo, says that he cannot tolerate the noise above him, even though the two women live tranquilly. Furthermore, she is anxious about other residents' strange behaviors, never mind the mysterious deaths. Min-young hardens herself mentally after the move into the new house, largely because of her daughter's unprecedented odd behavior and continual run-ins with a bizarre woman. Convinced that Joo-hee has fallen sick and perturbed by the mysterious events around the studio apartment, Min-young looks to disclose the truth by herself...
从事设计工作的单身妈妈蔡闵英带着6岁的女儿珠熙搬入某商品房的504室,由于迷信,所谓5楼就是4楼而已。大厦安静舒适,正适合闵英这样经常夜间工作的人。母女俩生活简单有序,波澜不惊。然而好景不长,奇怪的响动搅扰了母女的生活。3楼的单身男子韩昌洙抱怨母子二人过于吵闹,一向喜好安静的闵英对此倍感诧异,在她看来那吵闹声正是来自于楼下。不久,一个放高利贷的男子惨死电梯间,接着经常在家独处的珠熙举止也变得愈加孤僻和诡异。   闵英的不安与日俱增,她隐约感到这栋大厦和所住的房间有些问题。但当她想逃离时,却发现事情并非如此简单……
