兔女郎的想入非非Finding Bunny Girl(2011)


主演:王姿允 林铭乐 杨贝贝 廖毅 

导演:罗彤 / 





Plot Summary:May, a romantic idealist city girl, who dreams of the perfect man.  One evening, she decides to surprise her boyfriend by dressing as a playboy-esque bunny. However, when she arrives at his tattoo parlour she discovers he's already there with another woman. She escapes into the night, wandering aimlessly through the streets before stumbling into a bar to drown her sorrows. As she drinks, she enters a dream-like state where she becomes enshrouded by memories of the past: she recalls her childhood friend Mark and their favourite animated character Totoro. Even when snapped back to reality by her friend J, elements of this past linger. She becomes enticed by a vision of Totorto who leads her out of the bar to a discovery that will change her life.
繁华大都会,纸醉金迷,物欲横流。美丽可爱的白领梅肩头纹着可爱的龙猫,为了讨男朋友的欢心,她偷偷回到上海,并且换上兔女郎的服装。谁知半路杀出个程咬金,男朋友劈腿找个靓妞为他庆生,这可让梅深受打击。她狠狠地甩了贱男一个嘴巴,随后竟然穿着兔女郎的服装走入华灯初上的上海闹市。她邂逅了初到上海的乡下情侣,并和他们一起合影;还被人拍照发到微博,引得著名游戏公司要找她做代言。在酒吧和蓝颜借酒浇愁的时候,她突然瞥见窗外一个奇怪又有些熟悉的身影,这让她想起了童年时候遇到的那个穿着龙猫套服的男孩马克。   迷离之夜,兔女郎想入非非……
