TRICKSTER─江户川乱步「少年侦探团」TRICKSTER -江戸川乱歩「少年探偵団」より-(2016)

又名:TRICKSTER -来自江户川乱步《少年侦探团》-

主演:山下大辉 逢坂良太 梅原裕一郎 木户衣吹 田所梓 小野大辅 神威乐斗 

导演:向井雅浩 / 编剧:吉田恵里香




Plot Summary:It is the 2030s. The Boy Detectives Club gathers under Kogoro Akechi, the mysterious detective. The group solves cases great and small using their unique skills. One day, a member of the club, Kensuke Hanazaki, meets the boy Yoshio Kobayashi. Kobayashi's body cannot die due to the effects of the "Unidentifiable Mist," but he yearns for death, and shirks from contact with other people. Taking an interest in him, Hanazaki invites him to join the Boy Detectives Club. Their meeting is connected to the fate tying together Kogoro Akechi, and the era's greatest villain, the Fiend With Twenty Faces.
他为了死亡,选择了侦探之路……   时为2030年代。   集合在神秘侦探明智小五郎手下的“少年侦探团”。   他们以天赋的行动力,将大大小小的事件导向解决。   某天,成员花崎健介遇到了神秘的少年小林芳雄。   由于“正体不明的烟雾”而变成“无法死去”之身的小林,   期盼着自身的死,拒绝与他人的接触。   对于这样的他的存在怀有兴趣的花崎向他提出“要不要加入‘少年侦探团’?”……   小林与花崎。他们的相遇,   终将与世纪的犯罪者怪人二十面相和明智小五郎的因缘相互交错,   并推动两人的命运……
