The Mothers-In-Law(1967)


主演:伊芙·阿登 凯·巴拉德 赫伯特·鲁德利 黛博拉·沃莉 罗杰·C·卡梅尔 理查德·迪肯 戴斯·阿纳兹 小德思·阿纳兹 

导演:Elliott Lewis / 戴斯·阿纳兹 / Maury Thompson / 

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The Mothers-In-Law:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Roger and Kaye live next door to Eve and Herb. Eve and Herb's daughter Suzie marries Roger and Kaye's son Jerry. This forces the families to be a bit closer than they would prefer, particularly since Jerry and Suzie live in the garage.
