The Man in the Lower-Left Hand Corner of the Photograph(1999)




导演:Robert Morgan / 

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The Man in the Lower-Left Hand Corner of the Photograph:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A man in a decaying room looks at an old photograph of himself and tries to recreate the happiness he once felt
年迈的老人独自生活在破败的公寓内,四周充满腐败的气息,虫子在抽屉里蠕动,老人将一块肉放进去,喂养这个卑微的小生灵。   隔壁的响动惊动了习惯平常生活的老人,他隔着墙上洞窥视,看到对面一位裸体的老妇人,失去伴侣晚景凄凉的老妇人不堪忍受孤独的残生,在老人的注视下上吊自杀。老人来到隔壁房间,带走了老妇人的相片和尸体,他将尸体塞到床下,接着又把虫子放了进去。第二天,虫子和尸体合为一体,老妇人复活回到人间。两个孤独的人儿以奇异的方式相偎走过余下的人生……
