The Madman(1911)




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Plot Summary:A young man confined in an insane asylum believes he is a great actor and that his father is his worst enemy. The asylum authorities humor him in his delusion and provide him with wigs and theatrical make-up in order to indulge in his whim. One day he overpowers an attendant, strips the man of his clothes, dons them and escapes. He goes directly to his father's house, where he overpowers the old man and thrusts him, half unconscious, into a closet. Then masquerading as his father, he makes himself at home until the guards of the asylum arrive, when he again escapes from them. A thrilling chase follows. The madman bolts into a military balloon camp where an ascension is about to be made and when the balloon is cut loose the madman runs on, grabs a rope and sails up into the sky with the balloonist. Then follows a thrilling fight in the clouds which finally results in the balloonist overpowering the maniac and casting him off to death on the rocks a thousand feet below.
