The Floradora Girl(1930)


主演:玛丽恩·戴维斯 劳伦斯·格雷 沃尔特·卡特利特 Louis John Bartels 露卡·切思 薇薇恩·奥克兰 杰德·普罗蒂 克劳德·阿利斯特 萨姆·哈迪 南斯·奥尼尔 Robert Bolder Maude Turner Gordon 乔治·钱德勒 安妮塔·露易丝 Jane Keithley 

导演:哈里·博蒙特 / 编剧:Gene Markey/Ralph Spence/Al Boasberg/Robert E. Hopkins

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The Floradora Girl:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A chorus girl gets bad advice from her fellow chorines in handling a rich suitor who assumes she is a gold-digger. But she assumes he is after "one thing" and is holding out for marriage. After meeting his mother, she learns that her beau is engaged to a society girl. He loses his money and they drift apart. But after making a new fortune, he comes to the theater.
