The Countess Alice(1993)


主演:温蒂·希勒 佐伊·沃纳梅克 

导演:莫伊拉·阿姆斯特朗 / 编剧:艾伦·丘比特 Allan Cubitt

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The Countess Alice:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A reporter is assigned a then-and-now piece on a 50-year old photospread of three society beauties. One of them, Lady Alice Munroe, now the widowed Grafin von Holzendorf, has agreed to be interviewed. A few questions set the Grafin's daughter, Connie, thinking about her past, and she sets off for her fatherland, now that the Berlin wall is down, to find out where she comes from. But what she finds out may destroy her relationship with her mother.
