Screwball Academy(1986)


主演:考林·加普 肯尼斯·威尔什 Charles Dennis 达米安·李 Christine Cattell 安格斯·麦金尼斯 索尼娅·史密茨 

导演:John Blanchard / 

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Screwball Academy:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Foxy filmmaker Liberty Jean and her movie company arrive at Wagatno Beach to film a torrid movie called "Say Cheese", going against the wishes of the puritanical Church of the Divine Light, leading all hell to break loose. The church's phony leader Bishop Wally plans to lead a holy war of the highly religious against the trashy film. That's when a bumbling gang of thugs are hired to sabotage the production whenever they can. How will the film crew get out of this one?
