三只眼 圣魔传说3×3 EYES ~聖魔伝説~(1995)

又名:Sazan aizu seima densetsu

主演:林原惠美 辻谷耕史 大塚明夫 屋良有作 大塚芳忠 槐柳二 林延年 永岛由子 

导演:竹之内和久 / 编剧:高田裕三 Yuzo Takada

三只眼 圣魔传说:在线播放

三只眼 圣魔传说:最新迅雷BT资源

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日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 [Exiled-Destiny] 3x3 Eyes

三只眼 圣魔传说:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Yakumo has trained and searched for 4 years, following Pai's mysterious dissapearance. However, when he finally finds her, not all is well as her memory seems to be gone. They attempt to return her memory by going to the Holy Land, birthplace of the immortal race of Sanjiyans.
I 末裔の章   II 鍵の章   III 帰還の章
