Ningen Hyoteki(1971)


主演:安部彻 今井健二 神田隆 香山美子 目黑祐树 Kana Nakagawa Akira Nishikino 尾崎奈々 太地喜和子 若林豪 山崎努 

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Ningen Hyoteki:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:At midnight, Yamabe (Tsutomu Yamazaki), a killer, escapes from prison. Two years before, bribed by a narcotic smuggler, Yamabe killed a real estate broker. As he was being arrested by detective Negoro (Go Wakabayashi}, the detective's bullet struck Sakuko (Yoshiko Kayama), Yamabe's girl friend who attempted to protect him, and crippled her. When Yamabe was sent to prison, Negoro cared for her and they fell in love. Sakuko asked him to marry her, but Negoro was reluctant to take the killer's sweetheart from him. Learning of the relationship of his girlfriend and the detective, Yamabe had pledged revenge.
