
又名:The Sun Legend of the End of the Tokugawa Era / A Sun-Tribe Myth from the Bakumatsu Era


主演:弗兰克堺 左幸子 南田洋子 石原裕次郎 芦川泉 市村俊幸 金子信雄 山冈久乃 梅野泰靖 织田政雄 冈田真澄 高原骏雄 青木富夫 清水美恵 菅井琴 小泽昭一 植村谦二郎 河野秋武 西村晃 熊仓一雄 殿山泰司 二谷英明 小林旭 榎木兵卫 高山千草 加藤武 

导演:川岛雄三 / 编剧:田中啓一/川岛雄三 Yuzo Kawashima/今村昌平 Shohei Imamura



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 A.Sun-Tribe.Myth.From.The.Bakumatsu.Era.1957.JAPAN
2019-05-12 A Sun-Tribe Myth From The Bakumatsu Era 1957.1080p
2019-05-11 A Sun-Tribe Myth From The Bakumatsu Era 1957.1080p
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 A.Sun-Tribe.Myth.From.The.Bakumatsu.Era.1957.JAPAN


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 幕末太阳传
2019-05-12 幕末太阳传


Plot Summary:Set in the last few years of the shogun's rule, this period/ensemble movie depicts the lives of the young and the restless at a whorehouse. The protagonist is Saheiji, a resourceful, witty free spirit. It's 1862, 6 years before the Shogun turned his political power over to the Emperor. Penniless Saheiji splashes out at a famous Shinagawa whorehouse. He's forced to stay on at the whorehouse to repay his debt. At first Saheiji is regarded as an unwelcome guest who never leaves but it turns out he is not just a poor grifter. None of the whorehouse's guests, hosts, servants and attending ladies are innocent but they are pragmatic schemers. Saheiji soon endears himself to them all and solves many whorehouse disputes with his wit. But it is slowly revealed that the seemingly perfect Saheiji is suffering from tuberculosis and his future is uncertain...
这是一部典型的日本黑色幽默喜剧,影片的主人公佐平次是个骗子式的人物,影片描写他在江户时代环境恶劣的妓院里如何巧妙地施展骗术,在各种阶层的人物之间混饭吃的生存术来表现善良的有缺点的小人物。但是,这种笑是沉重的,伤感的。影片从始至终贯穿着日本大众喜闻乐见的单口相声,在相声间穿插着佐平次被扣打工还账,在艺妓馆里混成了人见人爱的宝贝,又偶遇幕府末期的政治家高杉晋作,为救被卖进妓院的少女,同意协助晋作策划去烧品川的英国领事馆的故事。被称作 “落语”的日本单口相声与佐平次的故事情节相佐相辅,构成一出超级古装讽刺喜剧。主演该片的两位演员弗兰基界、石原裕次郎是曾风靡日本影坛的大众明星。编剧是后来成为著名导演的今村昌平。因此给观众的印象特别深刻。
