美国秘笈 第三季America's Book of Secrets(2014)

又名:美国秘密之书 / Geheimakte Amerika(德) / USA Top Secret(德) / Книга тайн Америки(俄)



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美国秘笈 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:It is one of the most secret organizations in America. A religion--based on the cosmic revelations of an inspired genius--that boasts more than 100,000 faithful followers throughout the world. We'll reveal the hidden origins, strict doctrine, secret language and celebrity allure of the wealthy and influential institution. Former Scientologists disclose the reasons they were drawn to the church--and why they left. Jenna Miscavige Hill, niece of Scientology's current leader, David Miscavige, describes her difficult experiences inside the organization. Former church executive, Mark Rathbun, demonstrates Scientology's most revered spiritual technology--the \"E-Meter.\" And watchdog Tony Ortega explains the appeal of Scientology that draws in new members. Could the Church of Scientology really be what its critics say it is? Is it a cult--masquerading as a religion? A business that will stop at nothing to control its members--and their bank accounts?
