美版特搜戰隊Power Rangers S.P.D.(2005)


主演:Brandon Jay McLaren Chris Violette Matt Sadowski 

导演:未知编剧:Greg Aronowitz



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Power Ranger SPD [DVD] Vol. 1 [Dual-Audio]



Plot Summary:Fifteen years into the future, Earth has welcomed alien beings to live with humans. But peace is short lived, as a planet conquering alien force turns its destructive attention to Earth! Evil and smart, they seem unstoppable. Only the Power Rangers - elite warriors trained at a newly established Ranger Academy and led by chief Anubis - can stop them. When the Red Power Ranger joins the team, tensions threaten to tear them apart. With the alien threat growing stronger every moment, the Rangers must forget their differences and go into action as one! Using teamwork, intergalactic weaponry and light-speed Zord vehicles to battle evil, they unite to become the ultimate force for good. Power Rangers SPD!
宇宙中星球間的來往已實現,地球人和外星人之間的交流也不再稀奇的時代裡,犯罪的型態也有所改變。一些地球人沒有的特殊能力及科學技術被用於犯罪,而這些犯罪卻已超過了地球的警察的處理能力。為了取締這些犯罪,星球間成立了SPECIAL POLICE DEKARENGER(簡稱SPD)宇宙警察組織。   本篇故事的發展始於巨人種外星人的巴士挾持事件。犯人雖然很快的被戶增寶兒(DekaBlue)所率領的宇宙警察地球署的刑警們所逮捕,但在詢問過程中發現他持有地球上不存在的金屬。為追查其下落,地球署的刑警們開始展開進一步的搜查。搜查過程中雖出現了一名情報提供者,但卻不幸被暗殺。這名暗殺犯使用多數的人造人試圖逃離現場時,被一名髮型奇特的刑警所逮捕,而這名髮型奇特的刑警就是被派到地球署的新刑警赤座伴番(DekaRed)
