Le diamant noir(1941)


主演:夏尔·瓦内尔 加比·莫尔莱 路易丝·卡莱蒂 Maurice Escande Carlettina Paul Demange 

导演:让·德拉努瓦 / 编剧:让·德拉努瓦 Jean Delannoy/Jean Aicard

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Le diamant noir:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A wealthy man's wife dies in a car crash;she is survived by her husband and their daughter .Shortly after the tragedy, the father learns ,through letters he was supposed to burn after her death that he's not his daughter's father.He can't forgive and ,as he cannot stand her anymore,he sends her to a convent. The young girl grows up into a beautiful woman .But she falls in love with her dad's best friend ,whereas when she was a child, she would love a boy who wanted to be in the Navy..
