J'ai mon voyage!(1973)

又名:I've Had It


主演:多米妮克·米歇尔 让·勒费弗尔 Régis Simard 雷纳·席马德 弗朗西斯·布朗什 米琳娜·德蒙若 Denise Proulx Germaine Gloutnez Len Watt Barry Baldaro Dave Broadfoot Yoland Guérard Patsy Gallant Dave Nichols Yvan Ducharme 安德烈·劳伦斯 Frank Mahovlich Marc Laurendeau 

导演:Denis Héroux / 编剧:Gilles Richer

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J'ai mon voyage!:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A Parisian named Cartier living in Quebec City and employee of a major English Canadian insurance company is promoted to a job in Vancouver. He brings along his annoying and hyperactive Quebecquer wife and his two young kids. Rolling on a trailer van and with no knowledge of the English language, it becomes a Trans-Canadian wacky journey for the French-speaking family, and might influence Mr.Cartier to reconsider accepting this important position...
