

主演:仙台惠理 生天目仁美 长谷川静香 菅生隆之 柳泽真由美 土门仁 立木文彦 长岛雄一 田中一成 黑田崇矢 夏树莉绪 一城美由希 浅野真由美 宫下荣治 卷岛直树 谷口节 臼井孝康 新垣樽助 加濑康之 野村胜人 田坂秀树 伊藤荣次 木村雅史 石川洋昭 森岳志 

导演:青山弘 / 德本善信 / 渊上真 / 渡边纯央 / 玉田博 / 编剧:中濑理香 Rika Nakase





Plot Summary:Adventurous Yukari Morita embarks on a quest to find her birth father Hiroshi, an astronaut who abandoned her mother on his wedding night. She tracks him down in the Solomon Islands, at the SSA (Solomon Space Agency). She meets the base director, Nasuda Isao, who is in a predicament: the SSA is in danger of closing down due to continuous failures at launching full-size spacecraft into orbit. The only alternative for the base is to utilize a small spacecraft, but the problem is that it's much too small for adults to ride. Isao offers Yukari a deal: he will help her find Hiroshi, and in return she must take a job at the base. Yukari starts out with the simple job of pressing buttons... but soon Isao talks her and her friends, her stepsister Matsuri and the shy geek Akane Miura, into becoming Japan's youngest ever astronauts!
故事围绕着位于南太平洋所罗门群岛的所罗门宇宙协会展开,该协会存在的唯一目的就是完成日本首次载人火箭升空的任务,在经过了无数次尝试经历了无数次失败之后,上级下达了最后通牒,如果下一次的升空任务再失败的话,整个所罗门宇宙协会就要被解散了。   为了确保计划万无一失的执行,那须田所长决定启用已经被淘汰的旧机型LS-5,虽然这样可以大大提高成功率,可是LS-5可以承载的重量却非常的轻,为此,身为飞行员的安川晴必须减掉38公斤的体重,这几乎是不可能完成的任务。一次偶然中,那须田遇见了名为尤加利的高中女生,尤加利格外袖珍的身材吸引了那须田的注意。
