黑执事:豪华客船篇黒執事 Book of the Atlantic(2017)

又名:黑执事剧场版 豪华客轮编(台) / 黑执事剧场版 大西洋篇 / Kuroshitsuji: Book of the Atlantic / 黑执事:大西洋之书


主演:小野大辅 坂本真绫 诹访部顺一 福山润 大桥贤一郎 杉山纪彰 田村由香里 山下诚一郎 田中敦子 中田让治 石川界人 铃木达央 寺岛拓笃 木村良平 前野智昭 游佐浩二 朴璐美 东地宏树 梶裕贵 加藤英美里 藤村俊二 濑田宏美 宫本茉奈 花藤莲 增元拓也 榊孝辅 今村一志洋 野坂尚也 阿部薮一 佐原诚 有村百惠 伊波奈奈 君岛哲 工藤雅久 高宫彩织 堤义光 西乡彩香 林翔太 平丸拓实 福原克己 真木骏一 真中琴与 峰晃弘 弓原健史 渡边奏人 

导演:阿部记之 / 编剧:吉野弘幸 Hiroyuki Yoshino



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 蜡笔小新:宇宙人来袭.2017.1080p.WEB-DL.X264.AAC.CHT-BT4K
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 刀剑神域剧场版
2019-05-12 黑执事豪华客船篇-黑执事大西洋之书



Plot Summary:Whispers turn into screaming headlines in Earl Ciel Phantomhive's morning paper as word of the dead being resurrected takes society by storm. But when the unsavoury details of the business reach Ciel's ear, he and his superlative butler, Sebastian, book themselves on a luxury liner to look into these alleged miracles and the "Aurora Society" conducting them. As the waters lap and crash all around the vessel, mysterious individuals gather under the banner of the "Phoenix." Ciel and Sebastian may be one step closer to the truth, but have they sealed their fates by conducting an investigation on what could easily become a floating coffin...?
19世纪的英国,名门贵族凡多姆海威家的执事塞巴斯蒂安·米卡利斯跟随着13岁的主人夏尔·凡多姆海威作为“女王的番犬”每天都背负着黑社会的肮脏工作。   有天,在一次煞有介事的私语中他们得知了关于「死者复生」的传闻。为了调查事情真相,塞巴斯蒂安他们进到了豪华客船「坎帕尼亚号」,等待他们的到底是——(转自百度百科)
