Hearts Are Trumps(1920)



导演:雷克斯·英格拉姆 / 

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Plot Summary:Hearts are trumps when Lady Winifred secretly marries gamekeeper Michael Wain. The discovery of marriage by her father Lord Altcar, who is bent on trading his daughter to Lord Burford in order to cover his losses at cards, causes Altcar to have Wain horribly beaten and dismissed with a warning never to return. Years later when Wain returns, embittered and bent upon revenge, he buys up the mortgages on Altcar manor and is arranging for foreclosure when he learns an astounding fact: Lady Winifred's convent-raised daughter Dora is engaged to American artist John Gillespie, but her hand is sought by the same Lord Burford who sought that of her mother. Conspiring to destroy Dora's love for John, Burford attempts to disgrace the girl by having a nude body attached to the portrait that Gillespie painted of her. Shamed and brokenhearted, Dora runs away to the convent in the Alps, causing her father to accept his paternal responsibility and reconcile himself with Lady Winifred. Burford, having discovered Dora's destination, attempts to have her abducted, but her lover, father and mother follow in pursuit and, after many tribulations, the four are reunited during a blinding snowstorm.
