God Is on Air(2002)

又名:No somos nadie


主演:詹迪·莫拉 坎德拉·佩尼亚 胡安·卡洛斯·凡希多 丹尼尔·希梅内斯·卡乔 弗洛琳达·奇科 Franco di Francescantonio 

导演:Jordi Mollà / 编剧:José M. Garasino

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God Is on Air:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Two Spanish pan-handlers soon find themselves in over their heads when they stumble upon an opportunity to redeem themselves and perhaps the entire planet. The world appears to suffer from rampant poverty, violence and spiritual desperation and the relentless news media force-feeds these images to the Spanish people. A popular reality television show lets the audience decide between life or death for suspected felons, and one of the opportunistic pan-handlers attempts to escape poverty through this raucous and sensational TV program.
