Generation Euromaidan - Sehnsucht nach Demokratie(2022)

又名:Beyond Revolution - Fighting for Democracy

上映日期:2022-10-17(柏林人权影展) / 2023-03-03(塞萨洛尼基国际纪录片节)片长:94分钟

主演:Serhii Anatolyevich Leshchenko Mustafa Nayem Svitlana Zalishchuk 

导演:Kristof Gerega / 

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Generation Euromaidan - Sehnsucht nach Demokratie:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Through the stories of three prominent Ukrainian politicians, from 2013 to the present day, we witness the country's struggle for democracy, autonomy and geopolitical stability. We follow our protagonists as they evolve from activists to politicians in a fragile democratic system, to defenders of their country against the Russian invasion.
