El espejo de los otros(2015)



主演:诺玛·阿莱昂德罗 奥斯卡·马丁内兹 朱丽叶塔·迪亚兹 蕾蒂西亚·布雷戴斯 Maria Socas 格拉谢拉·博尔赫斯 

导演:马科斯·卡内瓦莱 / 编剧:马科斯·卡内瓦莱 Marcos Carnevale

El espejo de los otros:在线播放

El espejo de los otros:最新迅雷BT资源

El espejo de los otros:最新字幕下载

El espejo de los otros:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The Cenacle, a unique restaurant offers single-table work. In a ruined temple every night there is a last supper. Diners sitting at the table, define something important in their lives. Four stories plus the secret that bond the owners. Superb music.
The Cenacle, a unique restaurant offers single-table work. In a ruined temple every night there is a last supper. Diners sitting at the table, define something important in their lives. Four stories plus the secret that bond the owners. Superb music.
