
又名:安庆喋血 / The Deadly Bullet / Assassin‘s Night


主演:蒲巴甲 杜奕衡 吴卫东 王子子 何杜娟 曲高位 

导演:任鹏远 / 彭际航 / 编剧:张启音 Qiyin Zhang




Plot Summary:In the waning years of the Qing Dynasty, a performance of the opera Farewell My Concubine takes place at the provincial capital's largest theater. Provincial governor Etuo has come especially to see the play, but things go wrong when the "King of Chu", a character in the play, suddenly stabs the governor. The governor's chief bodyguard, Ye Dewen, attacks in turn, killing bystanders as he tries to reach the assassin, forcing the "King of Chu" to risk his life to defend the innocent Chen Zilian. Eight months later, handsome Qing magistrate's son Xu Jiyuan appears at Etuo's mansion. The badly frightened Etuo refuses to keep him around for long, and instead sends him to act as the head of the provincial police academy. The cunning, deadly Ye Dewen suspects that this new arrival is the "King of Chu" who escaped him at the performance. And through an accident, Chen Zilian, who the "King of Chu" rescued that day, confirms it: Xu Jiyuan is the assassin in disguise who saved his life. Against conspiracies, plots, and subterfuge, can Xu Jiyuan defeat the Qing's most lethal bodyguard, Ye Dewen, and kill the governor Etuo? As the line separating lies and the truth blurs, does Xu Jiyuan know the course he's chosen? Will he be able to escape?
故事发生在二十世纪初叶,当时的中国军阀混战、民不聊生,偌大个中国满目疮痍。许骥远(蒲巴甲 饰)是光明会成员,他以重金买得警察学校校长职位,以隐匿自己刺客的身份。尘埃落定后,他既着手刺杀老谋深算的贪官鄂托(吴卫东 饰)、以及他的得力手下叶德文(杜亦衡 饰),狡猾的鄂托早已嗅出身边危机四伏,他开始布置先下手为强的“反刺杀”,机警的许骥远知难而进,躲过一个个死亡陷阱,与鄂托玩起了猫鼠游戏。在刺杀过程中,许骥远意外邂逅两位红颜知已,她们分别是戏剧名媛陈子莲(王子子 饰)和仇人之女鄂托千金佳琪(何杜娟 饰),由此拉开一段缠绵悱恻、英雄气短的动人故事......
