
又名:No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti / Cannot Live Without You


主演:陈文彬 赵祐萱 林志儒 

导演:戴立忍 / 编剧:陈文彬 Wen-pin Chen/戴立忍 Leon Dai




Plot Summary:A father's love for his child is unconditional, a bond that can't be broken. But sometimes government bureaucracy can interfere. Li Wu-hisung lives in a harbor zone in Taiwan with his small daughter. He doesn't have a job, so he takes on risky tasks on boats to earn money. When he tries to do the right thing and enroll his daughter in a school, the government decides it's in the child's best interest to remove her from his care. He does everything he can to get her back, leading to a desperate standoff in front of the media and the world. Based on a true story, it conveys a quest of love that knows no bounds.
台北市中心,一个衣衫褴褛的男子李武雄(陈文斌 饰)怀抱着不满10岁的女童(赵祐萱),准备跳天桥自杀,这引起了警方和媒体的围追堵截。在电视机前,很多民众关注着事态的发展。面对警方,武雄口中疾呼“社会不公”,引起了大家的好奇。原来,武雄与前女友同居时育有一女,即他怀抱中的女童,孩子名叫妹仔。后来,前女友改嫁,音讯全无。武雄独立抚养女童,两人相依为命,生活悲惨。为了讨生活,武雄从事了多项高危工作,潜水排污就是其中之一。妹仔到了适学年龄,但是依照法律,法定监护人——即生母和继父才有资格办理手续。武雄虽为生父,却因无法律依据,无法行使监护人的权利,为了妹仔可以如愿入学,武雄踏上了一条艰辛的维权之路……   本片取材于2003年一则社会新闻,获得第46届金马奖最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳原著剧本、年度台湾杰出电影4项大奖。
