
又名:三个受伤的警察 / The Log


主演:郑则仕 王敏德 林晓峰 黎耀祥 毛俊辉 冯德伦 

导演:赵崇基 / 编剧:陈健忠/鲁秉




Plot Summary:New Year's Eve of 1997, Hong Kong is almost in hand to China and the service routine is shaken by a number of events that threaten to get out of hand: a cop accidentally kills an old woman kidnapped by a thug during a tense action and is arrested facing general disbelief. A cadet committing the same offense is acquitted and instead celebrated as a hero by the citizens, but flooding of guilt. A senior police officer on the other hand is going to be left by his wife in vain that claims more attention and time he has never failed to give her. The three destinies cross when the third of them takes hostage during the New Year, the new man in the woman.
故事发生在1996年12月31日,平日里冷酷无情的王帮办(王敏德 饰)在一次危险的任务之中误杀了一名人质,一时间,执法者沦为犯罪者,昔日里吃过他苦头的下属们纷纷伺机报复。长腰(林晓峰 饰)是初出茅庐的菜鸟警员,于执勤之中打死了一名小混混,起初,长腰深信自己系为民除害,沾沾自喜,然而,当他见到了小混混的亲人之后,后悔的心绪在他的内心蔓延。   夺命甘(郑则仕 饰)为警队辛勤工作多年,却发现自己的妻子竟然和上司(毛俊辉 饰)有奸情,愤怒至极的他起了杀意。在除夕舞会上,夺命甘手持重型机枪挟持了众多警员,他的昔日同事兼好友王帮办和长腰被派出同夺命甘谈判。
