小鬼上路Are We There Yet?(2005)

又名:玩谢后备爹 / 我们到了没?


主演:艾斯·库珀 尼娅·朗 杰·摩尔 

导演:布莱恩·莱温特 / 编剧:Steven Gary Banks


Plot Summary:Nick Persons is a selfish player who owns a collectables sports shop in Vancouver. Everything in his life is perfect until he meets Suzanne Kingston, a business woman who has something Nick hates - children: Lindsey and Kevin. Nick and Suzanne become friends and share good moments with each other. But Nick's peaceful life gets altered when Suzanne asks him to drive her kids to Vancouver. After the 3 miss a plane and then, train, they drive. Unfortunately, Kevin and Lindsey hate Nick, and he has to try to make it to Vancouver, unaware of the terror and torture he is in for.
单身男子尼克·普森斯(艾斯·库柏 Ice Cube 饰)是一个玩世不恭的家伙,他似乎更享受追求心仪对象的过程,而对成功后的感情经营全无兴趣。这一次,他将目标锁定在单身妈妈苏珊娜·金斯顿(妮娅·朗 Nia Long 饰)的身上。之前失败的婚姻让苏珊娜对待感情颇多忌惮,谨小慎微,任凭尼克如何大献殷勤也难有建树。适逢圣诞节临近,苏珊娜因工作原因不得不和一双子女分处温哥华和纽约两地,这令她倍为伤感。尼克瞅准时机,自告奋勇去接11岁的琳赛(艾丽莎·艾伦 Aleisha Allen 饰)和7岁的凯文(菲利普·丹尼尔·波顿 Philip Bolden 饰)来温哥华与母亲团聚。   令尼克始料未及的是,琳赛和凯文似乎很讨厌任何想追求母亲的男人,他们为尼克设下了无数艰难险阻………


黑人电影世界 • Are We There Yet?( 我们到了没?)


星尘战场 • 无论如何,还是感动了我一下

这个片子实在说不上喜欢,而且是英语课上面老师放的。 2个小孩子太强了,有些脱离实际。 看片的过程中,